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together, we can transform communities around the world.

Your donation helps us to share the love of God to communities across the world, and in doing so, we are transforming the lives of people.

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Join The Blaze.

Become a part of a passionate community dedicated to empowering the global church and transforming lives through consistent, monthly support. By joining The Blaze, your contributions will fuel our mission to bring hope and sustainable change to communities around the world. Together, we can ignite a brighter future.

Partner with us.

Join Sent One’s International Ministries in our mission to empower the global church and transform communities worldwide. As a corporate partner, your support will help us train leaders, develop sustainable programs, and bring hope to those in need. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a brighter future for all.

How are we different?

We aim to equip the global church, develop disciples, and empower people to experience the love of God and live it out in their own communities.

Locally led

All our work is led by and carried out by local people in the community.

Disicpleship model

Our discipleship approach provides the next generation of believers with the tools they need to impact their communities.

Community transformation

We partner with local communities and work hand-in-hand with them to bring about transformative change that improves the quality of life.

Love Displayed

By showing love in practical ways, we create discipleship and spiritual growth opportunities that wouldn't be available otherwise. We meet people where they are and show compassion through authentic acts of love.