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Our Work.

Building For the Future: The Bugesera Project

Bugesera is a village located in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, just south of Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city. In 2018, Sent One’s International Ministries was excited to have the opportunity to purchase approximately three acres near the new Bugesera International Airport that is currently in construction.

The vision for this property is to build a Resource Center that will include a Guest House, Vocational School, Training Center, and Community Gardens that will help to equip, train, and invest in the lives of the community.

We currently run a Kingdom Community Harvest project where we help with the provision of seeds, and the community can work together to share in the work and the profits from the crop produced.

The Plan.

Phases of Building

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How you can help

We invite you to be a part of this transformative endeavor. Your support can help us make a lasting impact on the Bugesera community, providing opportunities for education, skill development, and economic empowerment.